Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 18 | Page 24


OXXO and GLORY will install CASHINFINITY technology for cash withdrawals in stores

Alliance aims to close Mexico ’ s financial inclusion gap – enabling consumers to access cash withdrawals and enable banking services .

OXXO and GLORY have entered a strategic alliance to offer the best solution for cash operations in Mexico to help close the financial inclusion gap in the country .

As a leader in Mexico ’ s retail industry , OXXO – wholly owned by the beverage company FEMSA – has used its presence to extend financial services to its customers . On this occasion , it has selected GLORY ’ s CASHINFINITY technology to drive innovation in its network of stores , thereby seeking to improve the experience of its employees and customers .
This is iBox , a CASHINFINITY cash recycler from GLORY , with which OXXO will have a virtual ATM in its stores , where consumers will be able to access cash withdrawals and enable various banking services , highlighting the following benefits :
• Increased availability of cash in a secure manner
• Automatically validate and reject counterfeit bills
• Improved store security
• Improved employee and customer experience
CASHINFINITY will be implemented gradually in OXXO stores around the country , starting in : Nuevo León , Chiapas , Guanajuato , Jalisco , Oaxaca and Puebla . This technology is focused on offering the best solution for cash deposits and withdrawals through a comprehensive and omnichannel experience , under three principles : availability , security and simplicity .
These iBox , once installed , will be linked to the OXXO system , offering customers a comprehensive solution that allows them
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