Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 16 | Page 38


How can AI promote human well-being in the future ?

Odélio Horta Filho , Sales Leader of Digital Solutions , Embratel , a leading Brazillian telecommunications company , discusses how ensuring AI advances are directed towards elevating human activity and reducing social inequalities .


I , one of the most influential and ubiquitous technologies in contemporary society , is destined to expand further , influencing not only business spheres but also governments around the world .
As we venture into this realm of innovation , it is essential to consider not only its economic benefits but also its potential to promote social and human well-being .
The evolution of society is intrinsically linked to the continuous development of AI , robotics and biotechnology .
A cornerstone of responsible AI development is the pressing need for regulation to ensure that its advances are directed towards elevating human activity and reducing social inequalities , rather than widening them .
It is imperative that governments around the world engage in regulating AI , ensuring that it respects human rights and democratic values .
AI already plays a significant role in a variety of government areas , including healthcare , the environment , education and security . The expectation is that this influence will only increase in the future , with AI systems helping public managers make important decisions that affect the lives of citizens .
However , this increased influence also brings with it the need for solid data governance . In Brazil , we have observed three important movements in relation to data governance .
First , there is a growing emphasis on defining data governance strategies within each government agency to extract the maximum value from the data available .
Secondly , there is an incentive to share data , both between public entities and with society in general – in line with the Federal Government ’ s open data policy .
Finally , we see an effort to promote social education about data and data governance , creating incentives for information reuse and innovation .
However , data sharing faces significant obstacles , such as the need to ensure the confidentiality of information and compliance with the General Data Protection Law ( LGPD ).
Overcoming these challenges will require continued advancements in data governance and management , ensuring that it is used
in a structured and secure manner . Brazil has adopted a regulatory approach to AI in line with the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ), aiming to promote inclusive growth , sustainable development and well-being .
The Brazilian Strategy for Artificial Intelligence ( EBIA ), published by the Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovation ( MCTI ), is a clear example of this commitment – seeking to establish general guidelines for the responsible use of AI .
In addition , the government is discussing the publication of decrees that regulate data governance , targeting aspects such as interoperability , metadata management and security .
Supporting technologies , such as cloud computing , play a key role in the evolution of AI and data governance .
The cloud enables efficient and secure data management , providing the foundation . Companies that surround themselves with good technological suppliers will have all the conditions to succeed in their business and generate value for customers and society as a whole . •
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