“ This increase in costs directly compromises the sustainability of companies in the medium and long term . Listening to the needs of our customer base , we concluded that the market needed a data solution to support the strategic and efficient management of corporate mental health programs . Thus , Vittude Insights was born .”
In a practical way , Vittude Insights consists of five essential modules : mental health census , organizational scenario , clinical management , proactive claims management and complementary well-being mappings . In the first module , the company has a tool to evaluate the dynamics of work organization and how it can impact the employee ’ s health .
Within the organizational scenario , insights emerge about cognitive ergonomics , absenteeism and the risk beacon . In the clinical management module , analyses are observed on adherence to psychotherapeutic treatment , the clinical evolution of each employee and feedback from psychologists .
From the integration with health operators , we have the module for proactive management of claims , where it is possible to identify hyperusers and potential cases of people living with psychological suffering who are not yet within a co-ordinated care program . In addition , this module allows the identification of possible inefficiencies in the use of health plans .
In the Vittude app , complementary well-being mappings include evaluations of emotions , sleep quality , and responses to psychometric scales that measure anxiety , stress , depression and work-life balance . “ The crossing of all this data , the integration with external databases , such as that of health operators , preventive
We are sure that Vittude Insights adds immense value to our ecosystem of solutions .