Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 13 | Page 40



Hilmar Becker , Country Manager , F5 Brazil , says the end of technological silos collaborates with the breaking down of organizational silos .

In 2024 , more and more Brazilian companies are looking to transform themselves into ‘ Customer Centric ’ organizations . This is a pillar of the digital economy that is not always fully achieved .

One of the reasons for this is the survival of silo-based organizational models – departments and teams that communicate much more internally than with their peers in other areas . This structure stands out for the difficulty of converging employees from different areas towards a common goal : to delight the customer .
Overcoming silos continues to be a challenge for many companies . A 2018 study by consulting firm McKinsey based on interviews with 2,135 US C-level executives
Overcoming silos continues to be a challenge for many companies . indicates that , for this universe , the fact that silos persist in their companies is the biggest barrier to digital business expansion .
According to PwC ( a 2019 report of 956 U . S . companies ), 61 % of respondents agree that collaboration between diverse teams is essential for business .
Still , only 36 % said they were effectively promoting the integration of information and processes between teams originally organized separately .
The result of this reality is a company that looks backwards and does not reach the speed essential for the digital economy .
A siloed organization is supported by digital systems that are also designed , implemented and managed in a logic of departmental or function-based silos .
Workflow processes are slower , critical information isn ’ t shared with the right timing and repeated tasks are performed by multiple teams without one knowing the other is doing it .
This confusion frustrates the customer / user , who often suffers the effect of information that has to navigate through several silos and systems until it becomes an answer . This picture is the opposite of the ‘ Customer Centric ’ company .
Hilmar Becker , Country Manager , F5 Brazil
For European Consulting eConsultancy – a study conducted in 2023 with 650 companies – 29 % of the corporations interviewed had already managed to carry out this transformation . These companies were effectively working on new foundations , reaping the profits from accelerating business processes .
Those who live this achievement are , in parallel with cultural changes , actively eliminating digital silos . The goal is to further accelerate the ‘ Customer Centric ’ culture , freeing the consumer / user from having to visit ‘ n ’ Apps or websites to perform a task .
It is the era of digital interdisciplinarity . AI , Machine Learning and behavioral analytics create an extremely complex and distributed digital platform . It is pure
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