Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 13 | Page 25

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY infrastructure – this allows us to make quick adjustments ,” said Zoop ’ s Technology Manager , Laszlo Fent .
The analysis of infrastructure and application performance , which used to take hours , is now done in minutes . Another achievement was to reduce from 20 to seven days the period between the identification and correction of a problem – including software development steps . Zoop also reduced the average customer service time ( AHT ) from 12 days to six hours .
Speed in the processing of transactions is Zoop ’ s differential
To keep track of the large volumes of customers ’ financial transactions , the fintech – a cloud-native – uses the Datadog tool to map the logs . Logs are detailed records of events and activities . For Zoop ’ s IT team , log analysis is critical to diagnose problems and evaluate the performance of systems , automating from a complex network in the cloud .
The logs analyzed by Datadog also contribute to Zoop ’ s 24x7 security incident management team .
Datadog monitors the various workflows , the so-called microservices , correlating information in a unified way and giving agility to credit authorization . Zoop ’ s entire park is in the cloud , connected to 500 Datadog performance monitors that , based on pre-defined parameters , point out when
The alignment of our processes with the discipline of observability and the speed of resolution are achievements that have become a major business differentiator for the Zoop payment platform .