Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 11 | Page 40



Fábio Falcão , CEO of IARIS
Ten top Latin American tech CEOs share their insights on the future of AI .

Fábio Falcão , CEO of IARIS , a startup specialized in applications of AI : “ The continuous expansion of technological innovations related to AI will increasingly reshape and adapt the methods for using this solution . In the coming years , AI will transform the way organizations conduct data analysis and business processes . Processes that have sense for a professional in the area to learn , for example , tomorrow can be automated through new tools and platforms .”

Matheus Danemberg , CEO and Founder of nav9 , company partner in building digital solutions for organizations seeking innovation : “ AI is here to further accelerate transformations in the technology market within organizations . And , for this , both IT professionals and companies must be prepared to accelerate business development through this technology . The key is agility and objectivity to assimilate all the knowledge that has been generated and implement the power of AI in the company ’ s daily life .”
Jan Krutzinna , Founder and CEO of ChatClass , a startup that democratizes access to education and training via AI and chat : “ The use of AI combined with WhatsApp and Instagram , apps that
Matheus Danemberg , CEO and Founder of nav9 are already present on the majority of Brazilians ’ smartphones , brings many benefits to companies . Since it provides decentralized training , generating more engaged and capable teams , as well as democratizing access to information . We believe that personalized training , simulation of work situations , and instant feedback can transform the way companies train their employees and significantly improve productivity and quality of results .”
Leonardo Ladeira , CEO and Co-founder of Portal de Compras Públicas , govtech that connects the private sector with the procurement needs of public entities
through AI : “ The use of AI in the govtech market is already a reality , at least at Portal de Compras Públicas . Looking specifically at the public procurement sector , this technology intends to bring a transformative impact to the ecosystem and , especially , to the decision-making of buyers ( public entities ) and suppliers ( entrepreneurs selling to the government ). In short , we can expect that the technology will bring , in addition to accuracy , an increase in participation in bidding processes , significantly reducing deserted or failed processes and ensuring more advantageous contracts for public administration .”
Jan Krutzinna , Founder and CEO of ChatClass
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