Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 11 | Page 37


IHS Brazil plants 17,000 seedlings in the Amazon Region


HS Brazil , part of the IHS Holding Limited group , one of the world ’ s largest owners , operators and independent developers of shared communications infrastructure in terms of tower count , has completed the planting of over 17,000 seedlings of native and agricultural species in the Amazon region .
This has been achieved in partnership with the Institute of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon ( Idesam ).
Idesam is an environmental NGO dedicated to finding solutions to social and environmental challenges in the Amazon region , supporting rural producers , traditional communities and indigenous peoples .
Covering nine hectares , the 17,000 seedlings , including coffee trees , planted in the Amazon ’ s municipality of Apuí is equivalent in area to the approximate footprint of IHS Brazil ’ s 2021 tower construction program .
According to Idesam , the estimated carbon capture potential from the reforested area is 2,286 tCO 2
With high deforestation rates , Apuí , located in the Amazonas State with a population of over 20,000 inhabitants , is a strategic area for the development of smallscale coffee production .
This initiative , combined with new production techniques , helps provide a sustainable , alternative income for local communities . In 2024 , a further approximate 7,900 seedlings are planned to be planted through this partnership , restoring an additional four hectares of degraded areas .
Paola Bleicker , Executive Director , Idesam , said : “ Our goal is to promote a new , inclusive and sustainable economy in the Amazon region , creating connections and solutions for local communities , delivering innovative pathways for climate change mitigation and sustainable income generation .”
Michel Levy , CEO , IHS Brazil , said : “ We are committed to supporting the communities surrounding our towers and continue to work with external partners to help enhance their quality of life and safeguard environmental preservation . Collaborating with Idesam has enabled us to deliver a community-focused initiative that helps limit environmental damage alongside our tower construction activities .”
IHS Towers is one of the largest independent owners , operators and developers of shared communications infrastructure in the world by tower count and is one of the largest independent multinational tower companies solely focused on the emerging markets .
The company has nearly 40,000 towers across its 11 markets , including Brazil , Cameroon , Colombia , Côte d ’ Ivoire , Egypt , Kuwait , Nigeria , Peru , Rwanda , South Africa and Zambia . •