Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 09 | Page 16




The anticipation surrounding the topic of connectivity in Colombia is significant . Governments in Latin America set forth challenges and targets that are crucial ; discussions revolve around speed , coverage , average increases , quality , among other factors aimed at reducing the still concerning digital divide .

Ultimately , 2024 is part of an era where efficient connectivity is sought at an extremely fast and absolutely reliable pace – swiftly and well done , one might say . The world is changing rapidly , time is shortening and the entire ecosystem needs to be connected simultaneously for studying , learning , creating , working , marketing , socializing , and being much more competitive and productive . This is not to mention that we are now immersed in the Internet for leisure and the development of our hobbies .
Given the above , governments , companies , institutions , Internet providers and Internet stakeholders , in general , will have to join the commitment to fast and reliable connectivity with unwavering quality .
Hand in hand with this expectation , challenges are evident that must be overcome with the right technology . From InterNexa , experts in connectivity solutions , especially in urban and interurban optical fiber , we share the four main challenges : 1 . For governments , bringing Internet to underserved areas , geographically distant from the digital world , is a crucial part of their technological and transformative agenda . In the case of Colombia , with its three mountain ranges , this is a region with a great challenge , and therefore , having innovative solutions that overcome the major barriers hindering the development of interurban areas is a priority .
2 . Achieving an Internet that meets the demands of the accelerated corporate world , ensuring a positive user experience in a world saturated with situations requiring high demand every day , such as video conferences , live broadcasts , simultaneous product launches in different parts of the world , augmented reality experiences , and the growing impact of Artificial Intelligence , among many more , becomes one of the challenges that must be leveraged with technology revolutionizing the way we connect . Companies must abandon traditional distribution networks and explore new architectures such as edge ,
2024 is part of an era where efficient connectivity is sought at an extremely fast and absolutely reliable pace .
which essentially involves distributing and bringing content and computing closer to end-users .
3 . Access quality is a priority ; having Internet is not enough . In today ’ s globally competitive environment , profitability for companies and corporations that must operate at the speed of light under the concept of collaborative work is crucial . The third challenge arises here : reducing global network congestion and improving the overall user experience . This will undoubtedly result in the achievement of business objectives .
4 . Providing a better service for Internet users is essential . Internet Service Providers ( ISPs ) will need to ensure that users can access and download content immediately , without interruptions and with the best possible quality . Reducing complaints or claims from users regarding lag in a video game , choppy video in a call , or the loading time of a movie will be a priority . Fiber optic connectivity has evolved from being an advanced option to becoming an urgent necessity for ISPs . The growing demand for bandwidth and the need for faster connection speeds have propelled fiber optics to the forefront . •
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