Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 09 | Page 13

BlackBerry Quarterly Global Threat Intelligence Report shows 70 % increase in novel malware attacks

BlackBerry has released its latest Quarterly Global Threat Intelligence

Report , revealing a 70 % increase in new malware encountered by BlackBerry ’ s AIpowered cybersecurity solutions .
At 26 cyberattacks per minute , this highlights a diversification of tools and attacks by threat actors as they target high-stakes or financially lucrative industries .
“ Malicious actors are working harder than ever to expand their range and volume of cyberattacks ,” said Ismael Valenzuela , Vice President of Threat Research and Intelligence , BlackBerry . “ The intensifying number of novel attacks targeting nations and industries demonstrates the impact of the macroeconomic climate on cybersecurity . However , while threats are increasing in number and diversity , so is our ability to defend against them with advanced technologies that predict and prevent attacks .”
Highlights from the report , covering the three-month period of June – August , include :
• Continued rise in cyberattacks per minute . BlackBerry stopped over 3.3 million attacks ; approximately 26 attacks and 2.9 unique malware samples per minute .
• Financial and healthcare most targeted industries . The financial sector was the most frequently attacked industry this quarter , with healthcare institutions coming in second . High-value data and the opportunity to disrupt essential services make these sectors a prime target for impactful or profitable attacks .
• Ransomware groups make double extortion standard practice . LockBit , Cl0p , Cuba and ALPHV ransomware groups increasingly use double extortion tactics as insurance on attacks , as organisations worldwide improve their data backup strategies .
SONDA implements operations safety solution at CPFL

SONDA has implemented , through a pilot project , its Artificial Intelligence-based operations security solution at the energy company CPFL – specifically at the Security Operation Center ( COSEG ).

Called AI Operations SAFE , the platform developed by SONDA focuses on diagnosing , in a matter of seconds , whether the activities performed by professionals are in accordance with the rules established by the company .
Through advanced AI algorithms , the system analyzes the evidence collected , quickly identifying and diagnosing activity patterns .
The model uses Machine Learning to continuously improve its processes as the analyses are carried out
Based on the positive results in the solution , the next step will be to improve the productivity of COSEG ’ s team of analysts .
Fábio Luiz Sanchez , Solutions Specialist in SONDA ’ s Retail vertical , said many
Fábio Luiz Sanchez , SONDA solutions specialist
organizations face difficulties in analyzing and validating the evidence necessary to meet the requirements of business rules . Additionally , the allocation of resources and the time required to detect these anomalies can be prolonged .
“ Given this reality , it is essential to implement safety measures and rules to prevent and mitigate accidents and , especially , deaths . The use of Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ), the holding of Daily Safety Dialogues ( DDS ) and the application of Preliminary Risk Analysis ( APRs ) are some examples of actions aimed at ensuring a safe environment for workers ”, Sanchez said . •