Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 07 | Page 29

protects , through regulations , personal data and applies sanctions such as warnings , simple or daily fines and even the partial or total prohibition of the exercise of activities related to data processing .
This has caused processes to become more rigorous within companies and measures have been taken to increase access control in order to prevent leaks , which are related to ‘ Information Security ’.
And for these practices to be well applied , some steps can be taken , such as creating updated processes for software and systems , defining security policies , not allowing the use of pirated or unreliable programs , monitoring the infrastructure ; training professionals with good information security practices and frequently monitoring e-mails , documents , cloud and other information .
However , it is important to highlight that when access to this information is allowed , the responsibility for preventing leakage is down to one more factor : ‘ Access Management ’.
The practice occurs when companies grant access without mapping the roles of professionals , mirroring profiles of other users , or even without examining whether the exercise granted may generate any risk