Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 07 | Page 28

Information leakage : Failure to protect data or poor internal management ?

Eduardo Maia , Senior Manager of IT Risk Internal Audit and Financial Advisory at Protiviti , tells us how internal data leaks can put a company ’ s reputation at risk and can be a serious headache to deal with .

Information leakage is one of the main issues among IT managers and one of the biggest risks that companies can face and need to address .

Strategic , customer and employee data are examples of information that , if leaked , can cause material , reputational and legal damage to organisations of any size .
Knowing that the most significant technological threat is the cyberbreach , which can cause the exposure of content ,
Eduardo Maia , Senior Manager of IT Risk Internal Audit and Financial Advisory at Protiviti
It is very common to hear about data leaks that occurred due to a cyberattack , made possible by allowing external access to information . it is very common to hear about data leaks that occurred due to a cyberattack , made possible by allowing external access to information .
However , most of these cases occur internally in companies and are carried out by malicious people who aim to obtain some advantage with this information .
Personal data has become increasingly valuable because , by collecting information , a company gains more assertiveness to offer the right products to the customer who has more affinity for purchasing them . And this value , which is internal knowledge , encourages bad actors to leak the data , harming the organisation .
As a consequence of this scenario , measures were taken , such as the creation , in Europe , of the GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulation ) and , in Brazil , of the General Data Protection Law ( LGPD ), which came into force in September 2020 , and
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