Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 18 | Page 40



Daniel Lacchini , Business Manager at Hillstone Brazil , tells us how there are two strategic approaches for CISOs in 2024 – Zero Trust Network Access ( ZTNA ) and Privileged Access Management ( PAM ). The goal is to limit access to data to only those users with the correct permissions and credentials . A third component maximises the power of ZTNA and PAM : everything happens in the hybrid cloud model .

PAM is the answer to managing users ’ privileged accounts . These accounts include superusers , domain administrators , local admins and business leaders .

They also include non-human accounts , such as legitimate bots . The owner of a privileged account has access to systems and resources that contain highly confidential information . These users can make critical changes to IT systems and applications . This makes Account Takeover of privileged accounts a primary target for digital criminals . Once a system is breached , hackers gain unrestricted access to everything the compromised account allows . Typically , this signals the start of lateral ( East – West ) attacks .
According to a Heimdal Security study , organisations assume that 80 % of their privileged access accounts are properly managed and monitored . However , the same study shows that after identity checks , only 20 % of these VIP accounts were actually under control .
Gartner reported that in 2022 , the PAM market was valued at US $ 2.65 billion . It is expected to surpass US $ 8 billion by 2027 . Additionally , 50 % of companies will implement the Just-in-Time privileged access model by 2024 .
End of access privileges
In the PAM era , privileges are no longer a fixed access right . In this new approach , the user will only access the necessary service for the minimum time required . Once the task is complete , they will lose access privileges . This ensures high-level access is only granted after a user profile analysis , for a limited period , and with maximum control . It ’ s also important to note that PAM is considered a perimeter-based security
It ’ s also important to note that PAM is considered a perimeterbased security strategy , making it a more traditional approach to access control .
Daniel Lacchini , Business Manager at Hillstone Brazil strategy , making it a more traditional approach to access control . It is built on the premise that all trusted users in a specific environment start with unrestricted access to data and resources .
By assigning security levels to data and resources within that perimeter , security personnel can restrict access by linking privileges to those security levels . Accounts are granted privileges based on the user ’ s need to access specific data or resources . Broader privileges are typically given in proportion to an individual ’ s importance .
Granular control
In contrast , a ZTNA environment operates under the assumption that no one is trustworthy forever . All users and devices
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