Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 17 | Page 29

3 . Social engineering attacks : a major highlight among current threats , especially due to the increased use of AI to put them into practice , social engineering attacks use psychological manipulation techniques to induce employees to disclose confidential information or perform actions that compromise security , with hackers posing as people close to the victim . From this attack , compromise and unauthorized access to sensitive business information can occur through the infiltration of malware .
4 . DDoS ( Distributed Denial of Service ): these are attacks that seek to generate a large number of accesses and very high traffic on a company ’ s network or systems in order to overload them and take them offline , making them unavailable to users . From this , hackers are able to interrupt services , taking down e-commerce , for example , generating high loss of revenue , drawing attention and causing damage to the company ’ s reputation .
5 . Software Vulnerability Exploits : These are types of attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in outdated or misconfigured software used by the company , finding gateways to access corporate systems . From this breach , hackers can gain full control over