Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 13 | Page 47


THIAGO FELIPPE , AIQON CEO , discusses how his company works with channel partners and tells us about his management philosophy .

wWhat does your position entail ? As founder and CEO , I take care of the company ’ s culture . A company ’ s culture is a product of its people and how they interact with each other . To have a tailor-made culture , the leadership has to worry daily about new hires , the processes , controls , outcomes and people ’ s wellbeing . Apart from that , as CEO I take care of the relationship with strategic vendors , partners and clients .

It is part of my mission , also , to research innovative cybersecurity vendors , organizations with solutions that are able to solve today ’ s and tomorrow ’ s security challenges of businesses of all industries and sizes .
Aware of the financial restrictions of many user companies in LATAM , I ’ ve developed , also , special financial offerings to our partners and customers . The goal is to smooth the journey of our region in the direction of digitally mature and secure business processes .
Can you explain how your company works with channel partners ?
We promote in-person and online events together and work on new opportunities together . Due to the consulting and investigative nature of our sales process and business , it is important to support our channel partners as much as possible . We offer software engineers and account executives to every partner and deal to make sure we are indeed addressing the client ’ s
We promote inperson and online events together and work on new opportunities together .
Thiago Felippe , AIQON CEO