Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 13 | Page 29

protecting on-site data centers to cloud firewalls protecting cloud-based resources .
North – South Traffic Management : Hybrid Mesh Firewalls bring perimeter inspection capabilities to the cloud . Hybrid Mesh Firewalls provide comprehensive traffic analysis to securely place the perimeters of modern network infrastructures .
East – West Traffic Control : Hybrid Mesh Firewalls play a key role in supporting microsegmentation , which enables granular access control across ever-expanding networks ( IT ,
OT , Internet of Things ( IoT ), Industrial Internet of Things ( IioT ) environments , etc ). For more granular control , particularly at the application layer ( Layer 7 ), Hybrid Mesh Firewalls take advantage of agent-based segmentation , ensuring that only certified and necessary communications occur over the network . Security for remote work : Offering cloud-based firewall services , Hybrid Mesh Firewalls ensure that remote employees can securely access corporate resources without exposing the network to cyberthreats .
A lot of people think of Hybrid Mesh Firewalls as a collection of disparate security solutions bundled together , which is not the case .