Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 13 | Page 27

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY a system is out of standard , even indicating possible corrections .
“ The alignment of our processes with the discipline of observability and the speed of resolution are achievements that have become a major business differentiator for the Zoop payment platform ,” said Fent .
Parameterized processes streamline management
As a critical partner of banks and retail companies , Zoop ’ s team parameterizes processes in a scalable way , creating visions that anticipate peaks in demand such as Christmas or Black Friday , with a very high volume of transactions .
This journey was taken with the support of the curators Delfia . The goal was to evaluate the scenarios and define contingency plans for non-standard events , adjusting the systems when they are close to the processing limit , taking into account the history of the application .
“ Our monitoring portal points out consumption peaks . If necessary , the team can take an application offline , reducing the load on one server to save another , avoiding system outages ,” explains Fent .
50 Terabytes of logs per month
For Rodrigo Bocchi , CEO of Delfia , Zoop is an example of financial and digital intelligence in the Brazilian market .
“ The use that the company is making of the observability discipline and the Datadog solution is already part of its DNA ,” he said . “ As a result , Zoop delivers differentiated SLA
Our monitoring portal points out consumption peaks . guarantees to companies that rely on its cloud to conduct business .”
To give you an idea of the volume of transactions , Zoop moves 50 Terabytes of logs per month . This immense asset was mapped with the support of Delfia in the phase of replacing the old 10 tools with Datadog .
“ It was strategic work . The goal was to review this treasure trove of logs , creating classifications that would collaborate with the predictive management of this critical and ever-expanding environment ,” said Bocchi . •