Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 11 | Page 35


Data centers : Is female representation still a challenge ?

Jéssica Braga , Marketing Director , Ascenty , on efforts to highlight the importance of female presence in data centers .

T he presence of women in the technology sector has been a widely discussed topic . However , there is still a path to be trodden to achieve equality in the job market .

Recently , I read a United Nations Women ’ s study that revealed female exclusion from the digital sphere has cost over US $ 1 trillion to the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) of low and middle-income countries in the last decade . This data led me to think about how much companies are losing by limiting women ’ s presence in their operations and leadership .
The low number of women in the data center sector is not unique or local – 75 % of global data center managers reveal that the female workforce represents only 10 % of the total staff . Despite this segment ’ s constant growth , on an annual basis , it is necessary to reflect on whether job opportunities are also extended in the same proportion to women .
In over 10 years working in the sector , I believe that being a woman in a leadership position in a predominantly male sector brings various challenges , but also allows for contributing to positive changes .
In recent years , experiencing Ascenty ’ s growth closely , I observed that actions were taken to provide more opportunities for women to pursue a career , making the company even more egalitarian .
An example of this was the Elas Por Elas Committee , created and fostered by female leadership at Ascenty , which includes projects to increase the number of women in the company ’ s headcount , conducting professional training programs and female leadership .
In addition , we established the Female Advisory Committee – a group exclusively composed of women to address sensitive issues .
This initiative plays a fundamental role in approaching topics such as harassment ,
Analyzing the broader context of the Latin American market , the challenges faced by women in technology are evident . prejudices and issues related to the corporate environment . Confidentiality is a priority , allowing employees to express their concerns safely and receive the necessary support .
When analyzing the broader context of the Latin American market , the challenges faced by women in technology are evident .
Despite representing 51.1 % of the Brazilian population , women make up only 24.5 % of data professionals .
Currently , at Ascenty , the female audience represents 20 % of the overall staff and 19 % among the company ’ s leadership positions .
I don ’ t see the female presence in data centers as just an equity issue but also as a smart business strategy . Diversity brings with it a wide variety of perspectives and approaches , essential in a sector that is constantly evolving .
We are paving the way for positive change , facing challenges and implementing effective measures to ensure that women not only enter but also thrive in the data center sector by making succession and career plans .
By highlighting the importance of female presence in data centers and implementing concrete initiatives , companies are not only shaping their own futures but also contributing to a broad transformation in the technology sector in the region . •