Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 11 | Page 28

Milliseconds in delay in response to a cyberattack can be fatal for businesses

Agnaldo Cyrillo , Executive of Sales at Lumu in Brazil , and Eder Souza , Director of Technology and Operations at e-Safer , emphasize the need for faster action to detect and respond to any types of threats against data systems of organizations .

In an increasingly digital world , cyberattacks are becoming more common and sophisticated , with criminals more capable of executing their actions against data systems and having success in capturing vital information for the activities of companies .

The damages can be significant , including data loss , disruption of operations and even bankruptcy .
Agnaldo Cyrillo , Executive of Sales at Lumu in Brazil , and Eder Souza , Director of Technology and Operations at e-Safer , emphasize the need for faster actions to detect and respond to any types of threats against data systems of organizations . For them , milliseconds in the delay of response to cyberattacks can be fatal for businesses .
“ It may seem little , but some milliseconds can represent an eternity when it comes to avoiding attackers penetrating the network of data systems of companies , imagine 10 minutes , as was the case of the attack of the Mirai botnet in 2016 ,” said Cyrillo . In that year , the network of Dyn , a network services company , suffered an attack that took a fraction of a second to happen , lasted only 10 minutes and left millions of people without access to sites and popular services , including Twitter , Netflix and Spotify .
For Souza , it is not enough to invest increasingly in new technologies and in the training of people . For him , it is necessary to have speed in the response to threats .
“ We know very well that sometimes companies take a few minutes to make a decision or understand a scenario and take a
It may seem little , but some milliseconds can represent an eternity when it comes to avoiding attackers penetrating the network of data systems of companies . first action , which can represent a great risk to the client . Also , attackers today are very well-equipped and their actions are very fast ,” he said .
For both experts , another big challenge for companies is that they rely on people to respond to all their demands for cybersecurity because there are several challenges that “ are orbiting in the universe of people , knowledge , technical and technological maturity ,” points out Cyrillo .
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