Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 11 | Page 25

The ITDR approach therefore protects the identity infrastructure . And because it ’ s the central identity warehouse for 90 % of organizations worldwide , Active Directory ( AD ) is one of the biggest targets for cybercriminals ( Gartner data ).
Widely used in Brazil as well , AD is often a resource with thousands of legacy identities with vulnerabilities that are not always easy to protect against . This explains why AD is routinely compromised in cyberincidents , including the Colonial Pipeline attack and the SolarWinds hack in 2021 and 2022 .
The consultancy Mandiant points out that AD is involved in nine out of 10 attacks investigated by it in 2021 .
Threat actors can use AD to escalate their access privileges , evade defensive measures , and perform persistence techniques , among other tactics . AD has become a popular target for attackers because it is so essential . A recent survey revealed that 80 % of respondents use a hybrid of AD and Azure
Attackers aim to steal the user ’ s identity in order to carry out increasingly profitable crimes .
AD , and 16 % use on-premises AD as their primary data warehouse . Only 4 % of the organizations participating in the poll don ’ t use AD or Azure AD . And 77 % of respondents indicated that they would suffer a severe or catastrophic impact if AD went down .
All of this makes AD and Azure AD critical battlefronts in 2024 . The CISO who examines the value that the ITDR discipline adds to this context may gain unprecedented resilience on this point .
Steps leading up to the leap toward identity protection
This type of result , however , requires maturity from the user company . Identity threat detection and response refers to