Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 09 | Page 41

Here are the results of datafree attacks :
• Faster ransom demands . With unencrypted attacks , cybercriminals can demand a ransom more quickly since they eliminate the encryption step . Victims find themselves under heavy pressure to pay and prevent their data from being exposed .
• Reputational damage . The mere threat of data exposure can have a strong impact on businesses . Stolen confidential information , including customer data , financial records or intellectual property , can lead to substantial trust issues between customers , partners and the public .
• Regulatory fines . Companies that handle personal or sensitive data are subject to a variety of government and industry data protection regulations . In the event of a data breach , hefty fines and legal repercussions can compound the financial impact – making the situation even more challenging .
BianLian is a model of unencrypted ransomware
An example of a cybercriminal group that has switched to unencrypted ransomware is BianLian . According to a cybersecurity advisory released by the FBI , CISA and the Australian Cyber Security Center , BianLian has been targeting critical infrastructure and organizations in the US and Australia since June 2022 .
The criminal group originally leveraged a double extortion model , but as of this year , it has primarily migrated to exfiltrationbased extortion . It appears that BianLian has recently targeted the Save the Children tag .
The group claims to have stolen 6.8 TB of the nonprofit ’ s data , including financial , personal and medical information . That investigation is still ongoing .
The search for alignment with the Zero Trust model
Some forecasts indicate that ransomware will cost victims somewhere around US $ 265 billion per year by 2031 .
Enterprises need to be proactive and establish a Zero Trust Network Access security framework to effectively confront
In recent months , cybercriminals have introduced yet another technique to their arsenal : unencrypted attacks .