Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 09 | Page 39


Transforming Colombian logistics : Embracing technology for enhanced efficiency

The key to the applicability of AI in the logistics sector is clean and secure data .

L ogistics is an essential industry for all Colombians , as many foods , goods , devices , among others , must be managed by this sector .

In recent years , the country has undergone a profound transformation thanks to the incorporation of advanced technologies , marking a significant contrast with traditional logistics practices . While logistics strategies used to rely on conventional methods and , at times , lacked the precision required to address current challenges , modern technological solutions have brought exceptional efficiency and competitiveness in terms of accuracy , speed , or savings to a sector that moves approximately US $ 18.95 million dollars annually .
Firstly , traditional logistics is based on manual approaches and rudimentary forecasts , while current practices leverage advanced planning tools , such as Machine Learning . This allows companies to anticipate demand and optimize their inventory levels precisely compared to traditional logistics , which often struggles with changes in demand and inventory problems .
“ Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) facilitates logistics by taking over complex processes based on a large amount of data . When the handling of that data is clean and secure , it is called Healthy Data , an essential input to provide quality services in terms of artificial intelligence . This AI can process what a customer is doing and understand how supply chains are to comprehend if what is going to happen is what is expected to happen . Artificial intelligence takes care of a high level of complex data , analyzes it and draws useful conclusions for the logistics chain ,” said Jose Fuentealba , Sales Manager of InterSystems Latam . InterSystems experts share the benefits of AI in the logistics sector :
• Optimization in the supply chain
• Prediction of population consumption habits
• Improvement in routes for cost reduction
• AI can be used for customer service
• Reduced delivery time
In addition , the optimization of transportation routes has undergone a revolution . While routes were rigid and less adaptable to changing traffic conditions and logistics constraints , modern solutions stand out for their flexibility and efficiency in route allocation . The automation of routine tasks is a distinctive feature of current logistics practices . This frees workers from repetitive and exhausting tasks , unlike traditional logistics , which often relies heavily on manual labor .
Automation promotes higher productivity and improves the quality of life for employees compared to the long working hours required by traditional practices .
Modern technological solutions are transforming the achievements of logistics in Colombia , standing out for their efficiency , accuracy , security and automation , and providing significant benefits to both companies and the country ’ s economy , representing an opportunity to continue improving an industry that directly influences the lives of Colombians . •
Jose Fuentealba , Sales Manager of InterSystems Latam