Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 09 | Page 35


New data centers to boost Hyperscale cloud services in Brazil

Scala Data centers ’ building program backed by green debentures worth US $ 215 million .

S cala Data centers is powering up to meet the increasing demand for cloud services from Brazilian Hyperscale customers .

The company confirms that a new data center building program will be backed by the issuance of green debentures worth US $ 215 million .
The funds from these debentures will be allocated to the construction of data centers capable of handling the cloud demands of Hyperscale customers .
These new IT infrastructures will be built with maximum energy efficiency , an average annual PUE ( Power Usage Effectiveness , an index that measures energy efficiency ) of less than 1.45 .
The strategy includes 100 % of data centers powered by certified renewable energy , in a completely carbon-neutral operation – in line with Scala ’ s portfolio .
“ We will continue to innovate to meet the growing demands of the Hyperscale market through future-proof constructions , which means , those which already consider the increase in densities per rack without interruptions in the production environment . These infrastructures combine flexibility and innovation to accommodate emerging technologies and new workloads yet to come to the region ,” said Marcos Peigo , CEO and Co-founder , Scala .
Latin America is an expanding market , currently valued at US $ 5.51 billion and expected to reach US $ 8.81 billion by 2028 , according to data from consultancy Arizton .
The debentures , maturing in six years , are worth US $ 215 million , with the transaction representing the second largest issuance of its type carried out by the data center sector in Brazil – only behind Scala itself .
Ana Romantini , VP of Finance , Scala , said the conduct of a highly structured process for the issuance included the participation of several banks .
“ Our request for proposals ( RFP ) attracted the participation of five financial institutions , generating offers of US $ 560 million . This success unequivocally reflects how the market has received the firm strategy of sustainable and long-term growth of Scala ,” she states .
Given the sustainable actions underway since its founding , Scala was able to issue green debentures instead of Sustainability-Linked Bonds ( SLB ), which are linked to future fulfilment . The company currently has a portfolio of data centers with the lowest PUE in Latin America and operates with carbon neutrality , in addition to professional and educational qualification initiatives in the communities where it operates .
Scala ’ s second issuance of green debentures had Bradesco BBI as lead co-ordinator , along with the UBS BB as co-ordinator .
The operation was issued in Brazilian Reais with a swap for US Dollars , to maintain the debt issuance in the same currency as the contracts established between the company and its clients – a protection against possible exchange rate fluctuations .
In December 2022 , the company carried out its first issue of green debentures worth R $ 2 billion , which were used as part of the resources to finance the company ’ s expansion plan .
At the time , the operation was classified as the largest ever carried out in Brazil and the first of its kind in the data center sector in the country . •