Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 09 | Page 25

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY enterprises of all sizes . Initially hosted in KIO Data centers , the exchanges will expand to include data centers from various operators in due course , further solidifying DE-CIX ’ s position as a critical component of Mexico ’ s digital infrastructure .
DE-CIX Mexico will seamlessly integrate into the North American and global DE- CIX ecosystem , connecting thousands of networks . Direct connectivity to DE-CIX Dallas , known for its status as the largest carrier and data center-neutral IX in the Southwest and one of the top 15 IXs in the United States , will provide access to content and clouds based in the US a latency of approximately 20 milliseconds , further enhancing existing access to local content , clouds and applications in Mexico . This offers an intermediate solution for Mexican users until growing network density in Mexico is able to attract greater localization of content , clouds and applications .
Empowering Digital Transformation in Mexico
DE-CIX is ready to meet the surging demand for low latency connectivity with enterprise-grade interconnection services , such as direct connectivity to cloud service providers and direct access to cloudbased applications . This initiative is set to unlock the potential of the digital economy by improving content and application performance , offering affordable , highquality Internet access for businesses and individuals alike .
Industry giants such as AWS , Microsoft , Oracle and Google have already set their sights on Mexico , with some having already established a local presence in Queretaro and others planning their market entry . DE- CIX Mexico will enable enterprises to connect directly to Mexican and US-based clouds
Gone are the days when a data center on one continent could effectively serve the needs of users on another .