Intelligent Tech Channels LATAM Issue 07 | Page 17


Today , I contend that the main risks are : a shortage of experts in cybersecurity ; complex and extensive attack surfaces ; lack of vision of all assets that make up a company ’ s production process , including suppliers and outsourced workers ; the lack of clear indicators for better management ; and the reactive stance , in which we see that the vast majority of companies are still waiting to be attacked before taking action .

The deficit of specialized expertise is a global challenge , not confined to Brazil . In the post-pandemic era , while demand has surged , so has flexibility , enabling businesses to source talent from anywhere in the world .
Another aspect that I see as a critical concern is the fast pace in which applications and systems are developed – the plurality of surfaces where the assets that support the companies ’ production process are located . These assets – ranging from endpoints , servers , workstations , and printers to data centers , databases , and IoT – can
be stationed on-premises , within public or private clouds , or in hybrid settings , with a significant number tailored for cloud deployment . Taking mission-critical systems like Microsoft ’ s Active Directory as an example , each highlighted asset serves as a potential attack vector , which , if compromised , can result in a security breach .
From a security manager ’ s point of view , the equation becomes convoluted . Limited number of professionals , a plethora of assets across various platforms creates extreme difficulty in saying what is safe and what is unsafe , what is at risk in the infrastructure that supports the business . Often , professionals see infrastructure only in terms of what they directly manage , overlooking service providers and third-party applications vital to corporate initiatives . This equation becomes complex to manage , adding to the lack of management indicators .
The role of partner channels in navigating these challenges cannot be understated . Primarily , these channels possess the capability to amalgamate solutions , curating a comprehensive offering by harnessing the pinnacle of technological defenses .
The channel is in the customer ’ s daily life , so they can be more effective in dealing with security problems in advance , with a holistic vision that can look at all scenarios at the same time . The key is a platform capable of aggregating data into a unified dashboard , facilitating decision-making in environments that are heterogeneous .
Moreover , the channel can apply the best tools to do better , more assertively , but with less work and more efficiency . Companies no longer have enough professionals , there are several environments at the same time and it is extremely difficult to have indicators to manage , especially when we apply a proactive management perspective and it is worth remembering that proactive action is cheaper than reactive action , where a security incident is already underway . So that ’ s where I think it will make all the difference , when the channel can combine technologies , simplify companies ’ routine operations and support them in decision-making . •
The role of partner channels in navigating these challenges cannot be understated .